If you're a football trainer and your club or school does not have the sport management software that you need, or you want your team performance to go to another level...

Database of over 200 exercises. Its classification, based on the different phases of the game will let you plan, and perform, assorted and effective training sessions.

Statistics. Collect and analyze your players and teams, competitions and trainings, data: caps, minutes, goals, evaluations...

Everything you need in your day by day.

FUTBOLDATA Academies & Clubes

Merge your football club or academy sport and administrative management. A single web application for an easy, simple and integrated sport management.

Full online accessibility from anywhere, and for any member of your football academy or club.

Different Permissions & Profiles: sports directors, football managers, physical trainers...

Football strategy. Thanks to the data and players statistics query, FUTBOLDATA will facilitate your decision-making in competitions and trainings.

Level up your football academy or club increasing the performance of everyone involved with the team.


  • C/ Padilla, 6.


               28100 - Madrid.
  • +34 91 109 11 00

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